Wednesday 6 May 2009

Encounter of my debut flight apparatus and its derelict

My personal flight career started on the rear seat of a C 172 with tail index D ELSE. This aircraft was owned by the Technical University of Berlin, astronautics and aeronautics branch, institute guidance and control and me at that time in the main study period to graduate for my engineer degree.
Its last mission was to deliver sky divers at my club at EDVH, the place out of which I operate my Airborne Blade Inspections.
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

I had a dream last night

And it does not seem that everything is all right. Long and winding roads were leading to this land of change where the wind was driving huge blades onshore and even more gigantic ones way out on sea providing turbines at its best. One can believe it is well done for our children and we always knew we should do it in the right way and this means to invest as much as we can to get off this oil and gas consuming way of life. Our personal capacity to invest is restricted. We invested our heart and brain and the wisdom grown was swallowed by affiliated groups of global players. So my dream ended with an apparent suicidal drop off the nacelle of a wind turbine. What I found this morning is that b.a.s.e. jumping is more naive and narcissistic than suicidal. Watch them jump, click here

Friday 10 April 2009

What is essential to improve blade lifetime?

What is your opinion? How can we have best influence to improve blade lifetime?

:1: improve design?

:2: improve production technologies/quality management?

:3: improve maintenance and overhaul?

:4: improve terms of storage and transportation?

:5: improve inspection and blade accessment/on-site NDT method?

:6: improve meteorological prognosis?

:7: improve or develop realtime load measuring/managing and condition monitoring systems?

How do you feel we can improve - what is your experience? Do not hesitate to comment.

Frequently asked question about automatic blade inspections

These days I receive numerous mails and phone calls pointing out there is a new automatic blade inspection device available.

“Do you know this robotic system?” they ask. Yes, but …

From time to time you may find breaking news about putative brilliant inventions to solve the necessary blade inspections without the needs of a human inspector. Fantastic ideas are presented and spread out full-bodied across mainstream media. I don’t mind if this information is precise and do not keep quiet about the fact that this is based on academic style pipe dreams, chimeras to win project sponoring and not worth to deal with it. I even don’t mind the fact originators have to suffer in their upcoming insomnia which may develop to a full-grown nightmare when the truth was made public. It is for sure that top-ranking scientific institutes may suffer the loss of their reputation playing around like this.

Sorry, I don’t care.